Guitar Lessons

All classes are ongoing. You may start at any time!
Price: Monthly: $35.00 per 30 min.
45 min & 60 min classes are also available.
Age: Students can begin learning acoustic guitar from the age of seven.
We also invite teens and adults to take electric guitar lessons.
Discounts/Offers: 15 min trial lesson; Family, Second Program & Full Term Discounts are available.

Program Description

Guitar is the dominating force of the Pop world. Its’ captivating sound can be heard in different genres of music. This makes guitar a popular choice for kids of all ages as well as adults who would like to learn how to play their favourite rock tunes on their own.
Our program curriculum commences with the practice of basic note reading, chord progressions, and tablature. Once the basics are learned, students can choose the type of music they would like to play (classical tunes, rock, metal, pop, flamenco, jazz, and blues). Such approach helps us make sure that students acquire all the skills necessary for advances playing and get to play popular tunes as well.

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